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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Simple Fare Can Provide What Is Fair!

"Defend the poor and fatherless; Do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; Free them from the hand of the wicked." 
Psalm 82:3-4

When you support Shiloh’s Lighthouse Ministry you are helping us “do justice” to many needy people. Thanks to our outreach sporting program, Shiloh Boxing Club, many fatherless young men come to us. Most have very real material needs as well as the physical need for food. Just this week I had five teenaged young men in my office for a new weekly Bible study tailored for them (giving me the chance to spiritually mentor a larger group all at once). None of the young men there had a biological father involved in their life. Here at Shiloh’s Lighthouse Ministry that is the norm for the majority of the young men we have the privilege to minister to. 

In addition to the obvious, and still much-needed monetary assistance we need and ask for—monthly pledges and/or donations—there is a very simple way you could make a tangible difference in some lives in need: 

Donations of food!

Help us feed these young men. There are lots of young guys here each week receiving mentoring; some of them for the boxing club and others volunteering time to help around the church.  Often they come hungry, not having a decent meal the entire day. An empty stomach is not a good opener of mind and gateway to spiritual acceptance. A good meal is a tangible way to make a difference.

If you are local and would like to help here is a simple list of food items we would gladly receive:

Hot Dogs
Frozen Hamburgers

Hardly an extravagant list, but having such simple fare available here will help us minister to these soon-to-be adults as we help guide them, providing them a fair chance to develop into whole-person balance. And again, financial donations are also welcome and are tax deductible.

Keep the faith ...

(Food donations can be brought directly to the church, at 1253 S. River Rd., Saginaw, MI 48609)

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